Time flies by and 2023 is upon us. I’m sitting here staring out the window, wondering what to write.
I have 7 plants in my apartment. Of which I care for dearly-ish. They survived the Great Purge of October 2022. In the summer, my apartment is quite humid, and with the vast number of plants I had, in came fruit flies. Fruit files! Flirting about my space, my air, flying about as though I were slowly stirring sickly sticky lolipop juices in a vat. That would not due. So I went to town. Well, really online and purchased killers. Sundews. Two wonderful adorable sundews. To nom them all. However, those delicate murderers seemed lonely so I procured two Venus fly traps to accompany them in their glass fish tank homes. The chomping and nomming and all was going quite well. But the humidity continued creating the perfect condition for…white mold! Grrrrr. Alas, these conditions would not do. Those poor terrarium plants were the first to go. Mold is not ideal. Then the purge. I travelled a bit in October for work so any plant that could not survive drought was forced to face the harsh conditions of certain death. And death came to them. Slowly at first. Then alas, 7 remaining. 2 variations of succulents, 2 money trees. 1 bromeliad, 1 peace lily and 1 unknown specimen. The strong will survive.
What’s your resolution? Do you have one?
I do not. I find I end up not following them about 2 weeks in and wait for another predetermined time to start again. Instead, now I am focusing on just doing one thing. Finding the fire to accomplish my goals. The drive to make me take that first step. I want to find something massive that grips me. That gets me up everyday. If asked, aerials is my passion. This makes me want to be better. To be stronger. To be more flexible. I want it to be my baseline state. Without this state, I’ll fall back to being stagnant, complacent. And I want this goal to ripple throughout my consciousness such that I am focused on my being fully infused with my vision, my goals, the now.
Once something is a passion, the motivation is there.
Now, with the new year upon us, the next question is… when will Chantal, lover of Christmas take down her Christmas tree? Until Next time.